December 2nd, 2019 at 7PM at Kingstowne Library
Twinbrook Homeowners,
Thanks for the great turnout yesterday evening to discuss and vote on proposals provided by the Committee on Property Management Proposals. We had 25 of the 35 lots represented either in person or through proxy. The results were 15 votes to continue to carryout TOA management solely through the actions of the volunteer Board of Directors and 10 votes to hire a management company to help with the operations of the TOA, so, the TOA will continue to operate through the actons of the volunteer Board of Directors and committees.
The committee encouraged active participation from members of the TOA and emphasized that members need to continue to volunteer in order for the current volunteer management concept to continue to work. They suggested that we solicit volunteers to establish a Recruitment Committee to actively solicit more volunteers; please let the board know if you are interested in volunteering for this committee.
In the meantime, we are always looking for volunteers for the Board, the Landscaping and Architectural Review Committees as well as to revitalized other efforts like planning Block Parties and publishing a Newsletter. If you are interested in volunteering please fill out a volunteer form available on the TOA website and previously provided in the special meeting package you recieved or just let a board member know! We had two volunteers step up at the meeting; thanks!
Other items discussed:
- Donna Davis volunteered to inquire with Fairfax County about getting signs installed to restrict parking within 30 feet of stop signs in our community.
- Ian Dinesen encouraged members to use the TOA Facebook page at to foster increased communication within our community.
Please let us know if you have any questions,
Xavier Villarreal
TOA President